According to statistics from, many industries release short term work opportunities during winter break each year, as it coincides with Chinese New Year. The majority of short-term work opportunities are related to the takeout and delivery of dishes for Chinese New Year in the restaurant industry. Apart from this, the retail and wholesale industries have also released many short-term job openings which will allow students to make some money for New Year's during their vacation.
104人力銀行行銷經理:『兼職機會總共達到2萬1100多筆。 最多的餐飲工作機會約佔21.9%。 尤以飯店、餐廳強力推薦年菜外帶,業務擴展有關, 非常需要
Of course, students who think that working in the restaurant industry is too tiring and are fans of online games anyway can choose to work part-time in the gaming industry. In addition, here we must remind students never to leave their ID, pay fees, purchase products, sign anything, and most of all never to make out a promissory note or due bill to a company you are interviewing at while seeking employment opportunities during winter break. This way you will be able to ensure your own safety!
it coincides 同時發生
it (pron.) 它/這/那,coincide (v.) 同時發生/重疊/相符/巧合/一致,用法:coincide 的用法為 to coincide with sth./sb.,相似詞有 concur 一致,agree 一致,tally 符合,correspond 符合。
You can usually defer holiday leave if it coincides with sick leave.
to make out 理解 / 辨別
to (infinitive.) 不定詞+V,make out (phr.)辨別出/寫出/理解,用法:make out 作理解/辨別意思時,相似詞有 to understand / to comprehend / to interpret / to perceive / to catch on / to figure out 等等。
He tried to make out that she was a bad person.
You can really kill two birds with one stone if you find a safe part-time job, as you will not only gain experience, but also make some money.
學會寒假打工怎麼說了嗎?!!! Repeat after Me ...
Part Time Jobs Over the Winter Break
Part Time Jobs Over the Winter Break
School has started. The first thing many students do upon their return to campus is to share work experience over the winter break with their classmates. There are some who work to pay for tuition and living expenses, while there are others who work to gain societal experience many students share.
There is a wide variety of winter vacation jobs to choose from. Some students help sell dry goods at the Lunar New Year’s shopping bazaar, while others work as guidance teachers in cram schools. There are also those who choose to work part time in sunny Australia or New Zealand so that they can learn languages in a different environment while clipping wool or feeding horses.
But lately, there has been an influx of unscrupulous companies that take advantage of the naivete of students. These companies set up traps to hurt the students. When working part time, beware! Do not hand over your ID card freely, do not sign contracts freely, and do not pay for fees that are not clearly listed. You should also make clear the specifications of the job to prevent tragedies from happening, such as working as a babysitter instead of a tutor, becoming part of a “pyramid scheme” after being hired as an assistant, or posting flyers and being fined for violation of the law.
不過近來有許多不肖業者利用學生的單純,設下打工陷阱。因此打工時必須注意:不隨便將身分證件交給他人、不隨便簽合約、也不繳交名目不清的費用。另外 還要搞清楚應徵的職務項目,也免發生應徵家教變保母、應徵助理變成「老鼠會」一員、或者張貼傳單反而違法被罰款的倒楣事!
part time job | 打工工作 | naivete (n.) | 天真無邪 |
winter break | 寒假 | trap (n.) | 陷阱 |
tuition (n.) | 學費 | beware (v.) | 小心;注意 |
societal experience | 社會經驗 | hand over | 交出;送交 |
dry goods | 乾貨 | specifications (n.) | (常用複數) 規格;明細表 |
bazaar (n.) | 市場;市集 | tragedy (n.) | 悲劇;慘事 |
guidance teacher | 輔導老師 | babysitter (n.) | 保母 |
cram school | 補習班 | pyramid scheme | 老鼠會 |
clip (v.) | 修剪 | flyer (n.) | 傳單 |
influx (n.) | 湧入 | fine (v.) | 罰款 |
unscrupulous (adj.) | 不講道德的; 肆無忌憚的 | violation (n.) | 侵犯;妨害 |
寒假打工 寒假打工 寒假打工!!!!!!!!! 工作哪裡找?!!!!!!!!
寒假就快到了!!!!!!!!!! 還在找打工機會嗎?
公關工作內容~ 就像在錢櫃跟朋友一起唱歌,玩遊戲、小酌、炒熱氣氛,
約個時間看看環境, 了解工作場所,覺得安心,再考慮上班與否~^^,
我是台北酒店經紀幹部阿福 有任何問題隨時可以留言問我 ^^
或直接跟我聯絡 手機:0931-200617 (來電請顯示號碼)